
3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Pay Your Ticket Fine


People often ask us, why should I fight my ticket? Shouldn’t I just pay the ticket and get it over with? Well, no, you shouldn’t. Paying your ticket can result in lots of unintended consequences, ones that we can help prevent. Here are our top 3 reasons why you should NOT pay your ticket outright without fighting it.

Higher Insurance Rates

After someone receives a ticket, most people just end up paying the ticket. While you may think this is the fastest and best way to result in the disposal of your ticket, you would be wrong! Paying a ticket outright will result in a conviction on your driving record, which can result in points on your record, which in turn results in higher insurance premiums. Insurance companies typically look at your driving record to see if you have received any traffic tickets. If they see any, they can raise your rates, which in turn cost you a lot more money in the long run.

Suspended License

Accumulating too many tickets and just paying them can result in the suspension of your license! In the State of Texas, each moving violation that goes on your ticket is either 2 or 3 points on your record. At 6 points, your license is suspended.


What are surcharges? In short, surcharges are DPS fees that you can incur by receiving too many points on your record. For example, if you have received a No Insurance violation, and that ticket goes on your record, you are looking at around $300-$500 in surcharges for the next 3-5 years!

So Why Hire Us? A lot of the times you can pay the same amount of money or less to the court as the traffic fine, but in most cases we can keep it off of your driving record.

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