Failure To Appear Warrants

Failure to Appear Warrants

Failure to Appear Warrants


If you’re issued a traffic ticket, the citation will contain a date, known as an appearance or arraignment date by which you must contact the court. You may be required to make an appearance in person, by letter, or by fax. If you fail to take care of the citation prior to the appearance date on the ticket or fail to appear in court as required of you, the court may issue an arrest warrant for failure to appear in your name. Plus, you may be charged with an additional offense for violating the promise to appear. The issuance of an arrest warrant comes with additional fees, and the punishment for “violate promise to appear” offense is a hefty fine.

Fail to Appear Warrants


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If you have warrants for past due tickets, My Traffic Tickets can help!

We believe that paying the tickets is not the best way out as you may think. In fact, doing so only makes your insurance go up and adds points on your license which further results in surcharges or even suspension of your driver’s license.

Fail to Appear Warrants

At MTT, we have a team of highly experienced traffic ticket and warrant lawyers that can help get your warrants lifted faster than you thought was possible. We have always been the most recommended service when it comes to failure to appear warrants. The reasons are many! Firstly, we are backed by well-seasoned traffic warrant lawyers carrying years of experience in resolving all kinds of traffic tickets. Secondly, we are generally cheaper than paying the tickets. Plus, with our many years of experience in handling traffic tickets, we keep you from making such mistakes that may cost you money, time, and stress. Our attorneys have resolved thousands of cases involving failure to appear charges with a historical 97% success rate.

So, if you need assistance in removing any active arrest warrants & in resolving the underlying violations, then look no further!

Traffic Court Lawyers
Traffic Court Lawyers

To get started, follow our easy and fast 3-step process!

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  • Step 1: Submit your traffic ticket information
  • Step 2: Get a free quote from your traffic ticket lawyer
  • Step 3: Hire your traffic ticket lawyer

Contact us today to remove your active warrants & keep the failure to appear charges from affecting your permanent driving record. Call us @ 1-877-298-9099 (toll-free) to request a free quote!

Let's Get Started

Fight to keep a clean driving record